Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hogging the winter sun. By Pepper Sharma.

Winter is all about being at the right place, all the time.
Earlier today, my life was cold and side-lined. `
Several times, I tried to get closer to the light of my life.

The witch doesn't let me far.

And her heart doesn't melt to ANYTHING.
Damn it.
So in the evening, I play it cool.

I grab a spot but look the other way.
Sneak a peek, now and then.

And even pretend to be interested in her.

Until finally, her boots take a step back!
OGOD. I think I’m going to pass out with joy.
Check me out, still playing it cool.

 I'm hot cause I'm fly.
You ain't cause you're not.


  1. I'm amazed at how nicely you've connected it all up . Very appropriate ..

  2. haha,you said it!she feels SOOO COLD these days.Patience pays!

  3. basically you just wanted to show off your boots!

    - N

  4. hahaha. I agree. I changed it from 'shoes' to 'boots' before publishing it. 'N'icole.

  5. Note regarding some earlier confusion: Pepper Sharma is the name of my pet and not my pen name.
